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Export of mirrors and sheet glass from Russia to Kazakhstan increased by 70% by rail!

The company VVS is conducting a monthly monitoring of the export railway statistics of glass to Kazakhstan and Belarus from Russia. The research presents a ranking table of companies-suppliers of the goods, their market shares, analysis of shippers sales.
It is found that in June 2015 year 174 export deliveries were carried out by a railway code 26702 "Mirrors" and 26712 "Sheet glass others" from Russia to Kazakhstan. The total volume of exports from Russia to Kazakhstan amounted to 12 069 tons, which is 70% higher than the previous month.
Nine companies were the suppliers of the goods for this period.


Do you want to learn what companies are considered to be the leaders of export and import in Russia? What are the main reasons of their such high positions in the market?


Order the detailed import and export analysis of those goods deliveries that you are interested in "VVS" - Informational Analytical Company. There you are realizing  the partners’ preferences, the description of the delivering production nomenclature, contract prices, logistics of deliveries. Moreover a lot of other conditions of the external economic trade can be analyzed.

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